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Spiral Dynamics fundamentals level 1 Certification Training - September  2024

Analyze, understand and navigate complexity through pragmatic application of an evolutionary model based on the research of professor Clare W. Graves.

The official certification training, authorized by the Dr. Don Beck Spiral Dynamics integral foundation. 






If you are confronted with complex problems or want to make sense of the turmoil in our world, Spiral Dynamics is a great instrument to help you.

The model gives insight into the deeper values that drive people and how we have very different worldviews that provide us with different problem solving capacities. It looks beyond race, ethnicity and nationality to what binds us and what drives us apart.

As our societies and companies keep growing more complex, Spiral Dynamics guides us into how this change happens and what solutions can be best used at different levels of complexity.

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Do not miss!

Early bird discount €100

Available until July 31st, 2024

Application of Spiral Dynamics


Organizations use Spiral Dynamics for guiding culture change, in Human Resource practices or to improve team collaboration. It is used to analyze internal culture, teams, but also the external context such as markets and the social environment in which organizations function.

Social change

Spiral Dynamics has been used in social change, varying from local projects to improve multicultural neighborhoods to guiding the transition from Apartheid to democracy in South Africa. It helps us look beyond nationality and race to the deeper values that drive people.

Personal growth

Spiral Dynamics is used in personal development and coaching. Many use the insights to understand and improve their interaction with others in teams or other social contexts and to understand their personal preferences and pitfalls. 

Course information

Blended learning
Who benefits

Blended learning journey

The Spiral Dynamics fundamentals level 1 training is a blended learning journey. The online environment contains lessons and assignments you can do at your own pace. Some exercises you do with a buddy that you choose at the start of the training. During 8 instructor-led sessions there are lectures and Q and A sessions. At the end of the journey you get the chance to present an analysis to the group and have a conversation about it.

Spiral Dynamics level 1 certification

Upon successful completion of the course, you obtain a Spiral Dynamics level 1 certificate, issued by The Don Beck Spiral Dynamics Integral Foundation.

The foundation has designed the certification process to ensure students that they will learn the model as described by Professor Clare W. Graves, Dr. Don Beck and Chris Cowan.
Dr. Don Beck 1937 - 2022

Dates and times

Besides the online learning material, there are 8 instructor-led online sessions of 2 hours, spread out over 3 months, you find the dates below. All session are recorded (only accessible to participants), so if you miss a session you can catch up. Each session starts at 16:00 CET (Central European time).

Who benefits

This training is open to anybody with an interest to learn. Some of our students already know the model, for others it is completely new, the training is designed in a way that both will benefit.

Many experience that while on the surface Spiral Dynamics may seem easy to understand, once you start applying it you need a much more in depth understanding not only of the value systems but also on the dynamics of change.


Price for the training is € 725 for small companies and € 875 for corporates. Prices exclude 21% Dutch VAT, however participants in the EU with a valid VAT number and participants outside the EU don't pay VAT. Price includes a ValueMatch Values and Change profiling report and 1 year access to our online resources. If there is still an early bird discount available, you find it above on this page.

Course sessions


In each course you meet both instructors. One of them is the main trainer and conducts 6 session, the other one conducts the other two sessions.
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With years of experience in working for large multinationals, Jon is a top-down thinker, holistic in approach with a sharply pragmatic focus. Trained by Dr. Don Beck he is experienced in values-based cultural change. Jon is a founding director of several organizations, including the UK Center of Human Emergence.
Jon Freeman - Spiral Futures
Starting his career building large corporate IT networks and as a serial entrepreneur, Auke has a practical engineering approach, is a troubleshooter, systems analyzer and a connector. Since 2003 he consults and coaches people and organizations, trained by Dr. Don Beck in Spiral Dynamics and one of the founders of ValueMatch.
Auke van Nimwegen - ValueMatch
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